In this workshop, participants explore new art tools and projects to strengthen students’ fine motor skills and three-dimensional thinking. Using everyday materials including recyclables, we make simple, reusable looms and practice weaving with cardboard strips and yarn. Next, we’ll learn to expand paper weaving into larger classroom projects inspired by West African textile traditions.
Fine motor skills are essential for learning to write. This invaluable workshop gives you new ways to build your students’ small muscles while learning new skills and techniques.
We’ll also discuss culturally appropriate and enriching books to accompany this lesson.
Books include:
‘Mama's Amazing Cover Cloth’ - Ghana, West Africa
‘Goat In the Rug’ - Navaho, Native American
‘Rainbow Weaver’, - Guatemala, Central America
Karen O. Brown is an engaging teacher and inspires everyone to enjoy creating. Come to class ready to have fun and add variety to your classroom centers.
Large and small popsicle sticks - 8 Large (6” long) and 12 regular size (4.5” long)
6 clothespins or bulldog clips
Glue - Tacky Glue or Elmer’s All Purpose (Not Elmer’s Washable Glue)
Yarn - a variety of widths is suggested
One cereal, cracker or cookie box
12” x 18” Construction Paper - 5 pieces, variety of colors
Oil pastels or crayons
Hole punch - optional