Bravo to Our Generous Supporters
We are so grateful to the donors who have supported Inspired Child and our parent organization, Dumbarton Arts & Education.
$50,000 and above
DC Commission on Arts and Humanities
Richard E. and Nancy P. Marriott Foundation
Clark-Winchcole Foundation
Dodge Family Fund
Gunn Winslow Foundation
Morningstar Foundation
Robert and Maureen Sievers Family Charitable Gift Fund
Steele Family Foundation
Angelo Cicolani and Christine Blair**
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Foundation
Brimstone Fund
Corina Higginson Trust
Harman Cain Family Foundation
Karen and Art Steitz
Kelvin Coleman**
Marian Gelbwaks and Randi Sidgmore
Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation
Opalack Foundation
Alex and Amanda Marshall
Blackbaud Giving Fund
Carol Galaty and Kenneth Shuck*
David Cumins Mitchell Family*
Drs. Judith Klavans and Evelyne Tzoukermann
Elaine and Joe Friebele
Ellyn and Robert Weiss*
Hub Park
John and Karen Holley*
Jonathan Check and Beth Click
Katherine Lindsay Howell Fund
Lisa and Gene Rigoni
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Weber
Mr. Leslie Taylor
North Rock Consulting LLC
Rosa Lamoreaux*
Stephen Lintner and Pamela Johnson
Virginia Gunter
Federal Communications Bar Association
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Mental Wellness Foundation
Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
Alisann and Terry Collins Foundation
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Foundation
Bernstein Family Foundation
Beverly Spyropoulos Trust
Charles A. Miller**
Elizabeth Hylton
George Preston Marshall Foundation
Hanley Foundation
Moriah Fund
Share Fund
Stephen Kurzman
Alan & Irene Wurtzel (Leon Fund)
Allan Borut**
Bernardo Frydman and Jenny Cockburn**
Charles Delmar Foundation
Connie Zimmer and Robert Hetem**
Debra Kraft Liberatore and Robert Liberatore
Diane Trister Dodge and Lowell Dodge
Dimick Foundation
Erna and Michael Kerst
Georgetown Cabaret
Joe and Lynne Horning
John and Anne Rigby*
Kathryn and Michael Hanley
Kimberlee and Limond Grindstaff
Larry Wilborn and Cindi Gibbs-Wilborn
Lars Etzkorn and Gregory Hoss**
Laurence Platt and Clare Herington
Leah and Stuart Johnson**
Lynn Rhomberg*
Margaret Siegel
Maureen and Sherman Katz
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation
Robert and Barbara Liotta*
Sarah and Tim Boltz
Virginie and Patrick Carey**
Wingate Chandler Cox Family Fund
Amy and Michael Rudnick
Anne Trotter*
Barbara and Howard Morland
Barbara Wolf
Barry Jacobs
Carol J. Bartholomew
Carol Starley
Christine Clardy
Christopher and Janet Sten*
Courtney Corn
David Pozorski and Anna Romanski
Debbie and Bob Groberg**
Deborah and Mark Schechter
Denise Schlener and George Bren*
Diana Rodum and Michael Hoon
Donatus Hayes
Éva Dömötör and Bill Barnes
Gail and John Harmon
Hile Rutledge and Jessie Rutledge
Jeanne Jordan*
Joan Countryman
John Driscoll
John Tichy*
Julie and Gary
Julie Wolinsky and Homi Arabshahi
Kenneth B. Reisenfeld
Lana Wong
Laurie Davis and Joseph Sellers
Lawrence and Amanda Hobart*
Leslie Gigliotti
Leslie Haemer
Maria and Douglas O'Donnell
Marie Himel and John Butler
Marilyn Hogenson Fuchs and Peter Rice Fuchs
Martha Gibbons
Mary Davidson and Matthew Seiden*
Mary Elizabeth Swope and Patrick Kennedy**
Michael and Janice Faden*
Monica and Steve Sinding*
Morris J. Chalick, M.D.
Myrna Sislen*
Pamela Vennerdrow Lucas
Paul and Vivian Coates
Paula Rabkin
Pennye Jones-Napier & Julie Paez
Peyton Walton
Ralph Steinhardt**
Ranit Mishori**
Richard S. Mason
Sid Kaplan
Tim Gunter
Timothy Long
Martin Less
Mary and Stephen Gordon
Mary Jane Ruhl*
Mary Sorensson*
Mary Winter
Melinda Burrell
Michael Corcoran
Molly McDermott
Nancy and Robert Caldwell
Nancy Blaney and Philip Rotondi
Nancy Polikoff
Nancy Simon
Nancy Tumavick
Nell Breckenridge
Nicholas Keber
Oscar Fitzgerald
Paula Newberg*
Paula Silberthau
Pender McCarter
Penelope Longbottom*
Peter Ronach
Pyrrha Hallums
Richard and Jill Watson
Richard and Mary Koehl
Robert A. Bell
Robert McDiarmid and Frances Francis*
Robert Woolfolk
Roger Booker*
Sally Koch Kubetin
Shaun K. Smith
Sheila Timbers
Sherry Mueller
Stephanie and David Banks
Stephanie Haas Millstein
Suad Wanna
Sue and Larry Anderson
Susan Sevier
Susan Stout
Susan Troccolo
Susannah and James Rose*
Suzann Riester*
Terence Michel
Thomas Daughton
Thomas McNamara
Tim Searchinger
Victoria Harper
Virginia Sorkin
Warren Jones
William Jeffery
Alan and Susan Houseman*
Andrea and Salvatore Selvaggio
Arthur Purcell**
Barbara Davis
Big Mama's Children's Center
Carol Herndon
Daniel F. Van Horn and Elizabeth A. Parish*
David McAleavey and Katherine Perry*
Deborah Bombard
Igor Levin
Joseph Casey and Constance Pierce*
Katherine Williams*
Malcolm Peabody
Ms. Caroline Tanner
Nicholas and Cindy Fagnoni
Nicholas and Susan Fels
Rosalie Mandelbaum*
Sandra Stewart
Sherry Mueller
Thomas and Jeanne Parker*
Thomas Carver and Katty Kay
Thomas Michael
UP TO $100
Aaron Primack
Abigail Wiebenson
Alan Mayers
AmazonSmile Foundation
Anita Ukwandu
Anne Broker*
Anne Vorce
Anne Zim
Anonymous (7)
Audrey Moog*
Barbara Greer
Barbara Wolanin*
Beatrix Vandervossen
Beth Baker and Ross Wells
Beth Nogay
Brant Baber*
C. Purdy
Carol and Don Borut
Cathy Harr
Cathy Horan
Charles Doty*
Christine Harrison
Christine Hobbs
Christopher and Elspeth Murphy
Christopher Epinger
Cynthia Carbajal
Dan Dooher
Dan Mack
Dana and Betsy Sanford
Daniel Miller
David George*
Deborah Lodge
Delores Grigsby*
Denise and Robert Hill
Dennis and Kate Hardy
Elaine and Arthur Alexander*
Elizabeth A. Edmonds
Elizabeth Ky
Erin Gabster
Frank Franco
Frederik Van Bolhuis
Gail Janes*
George F. Farr*
Gerard Marusek
Jan Rothman
Jan Simpson
Janet Nolan
Janine and Scott Murphy-Neilson
Jean Alexander
Jennifer Newmeyer
Jessie and Hile Rutledge
Joan Kennan
Joellen Brassfield*
John and Mary Tuohy
John and Sharon Hays*
John Bay
John Fleckner
John Naber
Judy Patterson
Julian Schweitzer
Julie Saulnier
Julie Sligh*
K. McGuinn
Karen Powell*
Kate Kelly
Kathleen Pomroy
Kids Are Us Learning Center
Larry and Sue Anderson
Laura Layva
Lauren Ward
Lew Hyer and Helene Mokhiber
Linda and Cal Sutliff
Linda and Manuel Zenick
Lisa Jenkins
Lynn and Gerald Dargis
M. Griggs
M. J. Alexander*
Marjorie Pomeroy and Seamus Kelly
Mark WIllcher
Chelsea's Charity
Edlavitch DC Jewish Community Center Preschool
Junior League of Washington
David Mitchell in honor of Susan Mitchell
Siobhan Scott
We make every effort to correctly acknowlege our wonderful donors, but if you see an error in the list above or would like your gift acknowledged differently, please email Director of Development Patricia Ruane at
The IRS EIN/tax ID for Dumbarton Arts & Education is 52-1182326. To request a copy of your tax receipt, please click here.
Make your IMpact
Your generosity enables Inspired Child programs to inspire a lifelong passion for books, learning and the arts. Together, we are empowering Washington DC’s low-income preschool children to be successful in school and life.