Reading for Life
Book Donations
How it Works
Every year, Inspired Child donates books to DC’s low-income early childhood development programs to stock their classroom libraries through our book donation program, Reading For Life. We also provide hundreds of children with brand new books to take home. We believe that something as simple as a backpack filled with books not only inspires enthusiasm for reading, but also sends an empowering message to the children that they matter, and that people care about their future.
Every child in the Dancing With Books program receives a backpack full of the books they’ve sung and danced to during their residency to take home and enjoy with their families. We also donate books to build their classroom library.
Why it Matters
42% of American children – 31 million kids – grow up in families that lack the means to cover such basic needs as rent, childcare, food, and transportation, according to the National Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. For these families, books are luxuries that are out of reach.
Many studies show that making books more accessible to children dramatically improves their academic achievement. We believe that access to books should be seen as a necessity, alongside access to food, shelter, and health care.
Get Involved
We are always looking for new books for the children and teachers we serve. We accept only new or gently used books, preferably for children ages 0-5. If you are interested in donating books or hosting a book drive, please fill out this interest form here:
Barnes & Noble
First Book
Junior League of Washington
Women's Club of Chevy Chase
Capitol Hill Day School
Junior League of Washington
Chevy Chase Elementary School
Capitol Hill Day School
Nicole Bagley
Teaching Strategies
Girls on the Run - Team WIS
Bishop O'Connell High School
American Library Association
History Honor Society
Friends of Oakton Library
Reach, Inc.
Amtrak, Inc.
Capitol Hill Seventh Day Adventist Church