Meet Our Team
Ingrid Zimmer
Executive Director
Born and raised in Washington, DC, Ingrid Zimmer has dedicated her career to advocating for arts in education for DC’s most disadvantaged students. On the vanguard of learning through the arts, trained by the Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning, Ms. Zimmer is a master teaching artist who has brought arts integration to schools serving low-income neighborhoods for the last two decades. In 1994, Ms. Zimmer started at Inspired Child as a teaching artist. After over 20 years of commitment to Inspired Child’s innovative programs, as Executive Director, she continues to oversee and develop arts-rich literacy programming that empowers early childhood teachers to become inspired educators who prepare their students to become motivated and successful learners. Recognized as a thought leader in arts integration, Ms. Zimmer presents workshops at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education Project Zero conferences.
Ms. Zimmer led the dance program at the National Cathedral School and St. Albans School for 10 years. After graduating from Pomona College with a degree in Dance/Theater, Ms. Zimmer moved to Europe where she performed, toured, and studied under the auspices of Pina Bausch, the creator of Tanztheater in Germany. Performing with the premiere modern dance companies of Washington, DC, Ms. Zimmer has appeared on stages in Mexico, Greece, and China, as well as in prestigious national venues such as Jacob’s Pillow, the Kennedy Center, and the 92nd St. Y in NYC.